What’s the Best Way for My Family to See the Dentist?

What’s the Best Way for My Family to See the Dentist?

How to organize your family’s dental visits

It’s important for you and your entire family to visit the dentist, but it may seem like a daunting task. Preventive dental care is so important because poor dental health has been linked to systemic diseases like heart disease and diabetes in adults. In children, conditions like Family Dentist baby bottle syndrome can lead to severe tooth decay and tooth loss. It’s time to coordinate your efforts so you and your family have any easy time taking care of your oral health. Dr. Holly Scott-Hetchler, in Lansing, Michigan, wants to help you take care of your family.

Ideally, you and your family should visit your Lansing dentist at regular intervals every six months. Typically, Dr. Scott-Hetchler will take x-rays and perform a comprehensive exam every year, and you will receive a thorough cleaning every six months. If you have dental conditions such as periodontal disease, you will need to come in more often, depending on the severity of the disease.

The best way to organize your family’s dental visits is to make them all at once, so you don’t overlook a member of your family. Try to plan for a certain time of year, and put it on the calendar so you remember.

If you have a toddler, try to bring your child in within six months of eruption of the first tooth, because decay can happen fast. In any case, bring your child in within the first year, so your child can get used to Dr. Scott-Hetchler and she can look for any problems.

It’s best not to wait until you have pain or a dental emergency to seek Dr. Scott-Hetchler’ help. Dental problems can escalate. For example:

  • Untreated decay can turn into the need for a root canal or tooth extraction
  • Untreated gum infection can turn into periodontal problems
  • Untreated periodontal problems can turn into a tooth extraction
  • Tooth removal leads to a need for tooth replacement with implants, partials or dentures

You should do all you can to protect your family’s dental health, and an important part of that is organizing your family’s dental visits into a schedule that works. Find a schedule that works for you, and stick to it because the health of your mouth is vital to your overall health. Call Dr. Holly Scott-Hetchler in Lansing, Michigan and find out more about family dentistry. Call today; your family will thank you!

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